Irony, Peace & Pedestals

 "Ohhhh, the irony!"  Picture the drama queen, her porcelain figure flung across a red velvet chaise, the back of her hand sweeping slowly and softly across her brow as her eyes peer heavenwards and her iconic tiny, tasty little lips draw up into the perfect kissable bow.  In other words, what I'm trying to say, after all of that whatever yesterday about the super blue moon, well, last night's sky was completely filled with clouds.  That, my dear, is the perfect irony.  I needed that I suppose.  I felt cloudy inside.  I felt sad.  I was releasing and letting go of some old fears and old programming, old attachments. They came out.  They were released. They came out in tears, less dramatic than the It Girl's sobbing, and these were real, and healing and much needed, nonetheless.  Relief.  I feel relief.  A great relief.

My owl, the messenger of wisdom, did come out for a visit though.  I was able to get some video and you can hear his call.  The video is pretty, well it's not that good.  I wanted to get something better, something more dramatic, so I went in the house, turned off the porch light and headed back out to film.  And you know what?  The owl was silent.  No sound.  He either flew off or he just wasn't wanting to make his call.  I will never know for sure, but I can only hope that he will return again some other evening, he will make his presence known and I will be comforted by his call again. 

Thankfully, I got good sleep last night.  I'm putting up some boundaries, (boundaries are good...sometimes).  I made a declaration that I wouldn't let any 5D higher self-energies interrupt me while I slept.  I did have some dreams, most probably some subconscious work and healing that I'm doing in my down time, but I woke up singing that Sunshine song and I felt a feeling of deep peace enveloping me.  Just peace.  It was calm.  It was very balanced.  It was nice.  Very nice.

Ironically, my song # 1 from my daily discovery today is Baba O'RileyMaybe not so ironic but a juxtaposition, as I was feeling profound peace here comes a song fighting for peace...maybe, you know I'm bad at themes, pretty bad, but I get the idea.  I get the feeling that they don't like the world as it is, as it has become.  That was so many years ago.  I really feel like all of this, the exodus they speak of, was supposed to happen a generation ago, but it was hijacked or something, so here we are today.  We signed up in our soul to help heal this, to help turn it around.  We are here to help the Earth and all that is in it and around it to ascend.  We have the tools, or we are getting or earning, or being gifted the tools and the talents and the spirit that we need to help this happen.  I think.  I feel.  We just have to say Yes.

I'm not a real hands-on, go down to the homeless shelter and pass-out-sandwiches kind of helper.  I am so freaking empathic that my soul aches to see and be around people of such low vibrations.  I get really creeped out.  This is part of what happened to us in Ogden, creepy Ogden, as we were making our drive back to NC, but that too is a different story for a different day.  And I don't really curse so much.  Sometimes, especially in the goat yard, but not really so much conversationally, like you wouldn't fucking know it by the way I write all of these blog posts.  But really, I am much more demure, except when I fart, but my language is really so much sweeter and kind than I am letting on.  Anyway, I'm digressing, as usual.  

What I want to say, what I believe, is that I am here as an artist, I am here with my artwork to help in the healing and ascension process.  I think that is the role I am called to pursue, not the caseworker or nurse or other traditional positions that are affiliated with healing as we know it, as we have been programmed to it.  And I believe that words can heal, the written and the spoken.  Words have so incredibly much power.  They are magical.  They are gods kiss upon us, and my flipping heart chakra is just bursting open from the seams right now as I write this.  Woah!!!!

And just one more thing before I go today, because I need to get into my art studio and get a vibe going there and get some understanding of where I am going and how I am going to proceed with that whole thing, There is this whole notion of a pedestal, and putting people UP on a pedestal and thinking that they are so grand, that they are god or something.  And the irony is that they are.  WE are, but we ALL are, although many, many have yet to discover that and heal all that which stands in the way of them recognizing that.  They have yet to discover a profound and passionate love for themselves which is really that beautiful Lifeforce that is our god-essence.  So many people are stuck.  So many are trapped in the matrix of the mind that absolutely will NOT allow them to see, to understand, to embrace and believe in the magic of their very own soul, their very own existence.  But it is magic, and it is beautiful.  And my heart is bursting open again and I know that I am here to help awaken this magic in others, through my art, through my words, through my love.  No pedestals for anyone.  If you put them up there, they are bound to fall, so be kind, save them the trip down.  Just love them where they are, for who they are with the hope and knowledge of all they can be. 


Tangled Up in Blue


They Might Be Giants - We Might Be Gods