They Might Be Giants - We Might Be Gods

 Well, here I am.  It's another day. Yay! Yay! Hooray! Hooray! What comes out for enlightenment today?  It is sure to be a scrumptious buffet!  A little poetry to start the day? Enough of that...OK?! OK.

I'm feeling happy and a bit ridiculous.  Bet you couldn't tell. I've had my coffee and fed the goats.  I've done a bit of "not" meditating and sitting in observance in my bathrobe in the backyard, read a little bit of James G., made my "what I feel like doing today" list and all that jazz. I've even pulled my card for the day (6 of cups...we'll get to that later.) But what's got me dancing this morning, what's really knocking my socks off is a "little birdhouse in my soul"!  Do you remember this blast from the past?  Let me refresh you.  Sit back. Listen. Enjoy!! (Please, please dance with me if you want to!)

I really wanted to get a picture of a bee in my bonnet, but I didn't know how, plus I thought it was a little too risky since my telepathic communication with animals is still in the developmental stages. (I can get my puppy to sit and lay down using only my mind though.)  Ecstatic dancing!  It's moving my Qi. Oh! I just had a bumble bee fly into my heart chakra! I didn't get a picture of it. Ha!

Enough dancing for now.  Let's get to it. I've got a long list of want to do's today.  Where to start?  Hmm...How about the Paradox of Power?  From my reading this morning...according to James, "In the days to come, you are going to see the great paradox unfold.  The veils are coming down, and all will be seen truly as it is.  Telepathy and direct knowing will replace relying directly on the five senses.  Everything will be revealed, and nothing will remain hidden.  The true goals and intentions, as well as the powers behind the scenes, will be revealed in each individual, each organization and each institution.  This includes governments and religious institutions as well." 

It is a quickening, he explains, and all those who stand for love, joy, peace, honor and diversity and who love GOD (Good Orderly Direction, Source, Our Higher Selves), Humanity and Nature will continue to stand while the rest, those who lust for power and control, who promote fear and hatred, who foster guilt and unworthiness will be seen for what they are.  Their world, the matrix, will crumble around them.

I guess that's why I am here.  I guess that is what I am fighting for, beyond my own personal happiness and needs, I want to help co-create a world of peace and beauty and love.  Actually, I know.  I KNOW.  I am just in the process of figuring out what actions I need to take.  I am discovering more about who I am, where I have been and what else I need to do.  I am separating the wheat from the chaff, deciding what to keep in my life and what to let go of.  Action vs. non-action. I am sorting through my internal knowing and intuition, I am wading through feelings and determining which ones to observe, which ones to sit with and which ones to move forward on. I guess it's kind of like making a decision.  Every decision to do nothing, is a decision.  Every non-action is an action. That's where I am.  Busy, busy. Doing nothing. Ha!

And as if that's not enough to keep me occupied, the card that came out for me today was the 6 of cups.  Remember, I said we would get to that later.  Well, it's later.  Here we are. It's kind of exciting if you ask me.  It is very full of possibilities.  It is a good card to get.  Very balanced.  Very hopeful.  Very harmonious.  

From the Druid Craft Tarot: Six is the number of the Lover's card in the Major Arcana, and it signifies union on many levels.  Within the individual soul it represents the Alchemical Wedding, or Mystical Marriage: the union of masculine and feminine consciousness, of self with the Divine Beloved, and of unconscious needs with conscious thought, feeling and action.  It represents the ability in an individual to be in touch with both spirit and matter - to be firmly grounded in this world, and yet connected to their Otherworldly source too. 

At another level, the number 6 represents the Great Rite - the ritual union of High Priestess and High Priest, which represent the union of the Goddess and God.  (Just a sidenote here: I don't particularly resonate with the words wicca and magic in the form of witchcraft.  I do not consider myself a witch, not even a white witch.  There is something about the word witch that repulses me, maybe from a past life, who knows.  Anyway, if things weren't weird enough already, and although I do believe in the value of tarot as tool, I just wanted to make that point clear. Thank you for your consideration.)

The balance, connection and unity represented by these ideas means that the sixes in the pip cards all relate to positive, optimistic situations and experiences which engender love, harmony, reconciliation, connection, merging, union and beauty.  This means that, for the most part, they are associated with stability, success and happiness.  (Well, that all sounds good to me.  Thank you, Universe!  I'll take it!)

*The Message of the Sixes is *

Meeting at last, there is union.  Serenity flows from me at this point of balance.

So, with all that tucked into my little birdhouse, I am off to get the chainsaw.  Maybe the arbor will be one step closer to being built.  The gardens definitely need more water again.  Maybe I will plant some new seeds in the beds I cleaned up yesterday, maybe I will dream a little bit more about what I want my decorated greenhouse to look like.  

And as I go along, throughout my day, I'll think some more about the 6 of cups and what reunions might transpire or what heartfelt exchange between me and my surroundings might occur.  I will definitely continue developing a deeper affinity for Nature and for my connections with my gardens and animals and trees.  I will continue beautifying my house, my greenhouse and my interior castle, making ready for my higher self to come and dwell there whenever She wishes, whenever I need, In Love, indefinitely. 


Irony, Peace & Pedestals


Purpose and Destiny - The Process