The Spark

I visited my 87-year-old aunt with my mother the other day.  The moment you step into her home it is evident that her health is declining.  She fell later that evening after our visit and my mother received a call from Life Alert informing her that her sister had been taken by the paramedics to the emergency room.  It is a call that no one wants to receive.

Although she was released from the hospital, the nurse that discharged her let her know in no uncertain terms that she needed to go to a nursing home.  The firefighter that brought her home reiterated that it was evident that she was unable to properly care for herself and that it was time for her to move on, away from her feline companion, away from all the items surrounding her that bring her comfort, away from the place she calls home. 

This is that moment in time when logic should prevail, but emotions strongly resist.  Humility is called for, but surrender is veritably impossible.  Yet the choice, the decision must be made lest it be made for you.  It is inevitable, one way or another.

It's common that when an elderly person is forced to make that final move, it becomes a fatal move.  The spark that burned for life, that longed to live, burns out.  It loses hope.  It simply gives up the ghost.

Is it ever easy to let go?  It's not easy to let go of animal companions.  It's not easy to let go of the comfortable, familiar surroundings of home.  It's not easy to let go of that home, regardless of how palatial or simple that place is.  

Is it any easier to let go of life?  Just because life forced you to let go of your stuff?  I don't think so. Why would it?   Not if you are living in fear.  Afraid to let go of your stuff?  Pretty sure you'd be afraid to die.  Pretty sure.

Fear of letting go of stuff begets fear of letting go of life.  I have been with fearful people when they are dying.  It is frightening.  It is painful.  It is haunting.

I have been with those who are living in love when their time of crossing over comes to pass.  I is a complete juxtaposition to a fearful passing through that veil.  It is beautiful.  It is peaceful.  It is as if the other dimension comes to meet us, to comfort us, to hold us all as our loved one releases their soul back to the universe.  I just heard it said that the body loses weight when a person dies, as the soul leaves the body.  

We are all moving up the vibrational continuum. Where we are going is largely determined by our choices.  Are we living in love?  Or are we living in fear?  

I offer to you today a message from the angels, inviting us to choose love, encouraging us to acknowledge the spark that is within us, urging us to care for it through self-love.  In doing so we enter into a divine awareness that allows us to love all of who we are, who we have been and who we are becoming.  Shame, guilt and sadness are transmuted into lessons of love.  

Watch Video

I hope you can find time to watch this video.  It brought me peace and I hope it will bring peace to you too.  The takeaway: No fear.  You are ready.  Hold on to that spark.  You are a beautiful part of the new and beautiful earth.  We all have our role to play.  Even those who are passing away.

Sending so much love your way.  My heart is bursting. 💖


Sitting in the Dark


The Shift