My Philosophical Puzzle

 It's so funny how much the simple, everyday things in our lives can teach us something so important.  That simple little thing for me today was a puzzle that I have been working on since sometime last year, possibly as early as last spring.  It's been so long I really can't remember when I started it.

Several times over the past month or two I've really considered just taking it apart and putting it back in the box.  It's not really that important that I complete something so trivial anyway, right?  But I like finishing what I started, at least now days as I am coming more fully into my authenticity.  I get that welcomed shot of dopamine when I can check something off my list.

But this puzzle, while it is 1000 pieces, just didn't SEEM like it was going to be that challenging when I started it.  Why the heck am I having such a difficult time putting it together?  Again, it's funny how life works, and over the past few days, I noticed that the more I stopped TRYING to put the puzzle together, the easier the pieces would fall into place.  The pieces that I was SURE that I had tried, unsuccessfully, for hours, just a few days before, now found their place with ease.  

I could walk up to the puzzle, look at a spot and find the piece I needed on the first try, like I was in the flow and life was picking up the pieces for me, or at least picking them OUT for me.  But I could only seem to do this for a few pieces when I would get hung up again, trying too hard to figure out which piece was supposed to come next?  Which piece was supposed to go where?  And after a while I would finally walk away.  And when I would come back, usually the next day, a puzzle piece would seem to magically find its way to me and I would lock it into place.

Today when I looked at the puzzle, walked up and again, found a piece to go exactly where I needed it to, then another then another and then NOT, I realized that maybe this puzzle is trying to put itself together and no amount of MY staring at the pieces and trying to figure out where they go is going to get me to get the puzzle completed any faster than it itself wants to come together.  

It is once again a lesson in enjoying the journey of puzzling and finding out where each piece fits, working with the puzzle instead of against it, and surrendering to the flow of the philosophy and the wisdom of the puzzle itself.

This revelation moved me so much that I actually posted on Facebook about it this morning.  I hope my post didn't sound too preachy.  When I get greatly moved about something I realize I have a tendency towards SOUNDING like that, like I'm preaching, anyway.  I NEVER intend to preach at anyone about anything.  I am a firm believer in freewill and people making their own decisions about the big and the little things in their lives.

Facebook Post - A Philosophical Puzzle

But again, as I come into my authenticity and I feel like I learn something that another soul could benefit from, I simply want to share it. It's part of me healing my throat chakra.  It's part of me finding my voice. 

And I know that my sharing can come off as over the top, or over emotional, too loving, too intuitive...crazy, to some.  But those who really matter, those who really care will totally understand.  If you are here, I'm sure you do too, or at least you want to.  It's ok to be where you are, it's all part of the puzzle we call LIFE.


the journey is the reward


Age and Time: Product and Process