All She's Got to Do Is Dance

It's pretty cool when Life gives you confirmations that you are on the right path.  It's amazing when those little synchronicities show up to give you a positive pat on the back.  I love it.  The Universe loves me.  I'm definitely going to end up in India on this journey, I'm just not sure when.  And I am Abundance and Manifestation personified, and Strength.  Yep.  That's me. job is to dance.  Sing, love, bring joy and dance.  Literally.  Like the goddess Radha.  (You can look her up on Wikipedia)

It's going to be a wild and precious ride.  That's guaranteed.  Who's with me?  And, oh, by the way, if you have any hesitations, well just so you know, it's absolutely beautiful on the other side.  I just have to get out of the house and go.  All are welcome to meet me along the way, but this journey is just for me.

So that's what I'm going to do.  I'm hitting the road, like a deodorized Dean Moriarty, a super-sober Kerouac character, high on nothing but Love.  I'm pretty excited.  Admittedly feeling a little bit guilty about how excited I am.  But I will keep working on that, overcoming and letting go of guilt stuff.  I will work on everything I need to keep working on to get out there and find ME.  To get out there and get my passion back.  That's what the Universe is just hanging by a thread, waiting for me to do.  "You go girl!" she whispers.

It's pretty incredible.  I can't say that this message is for everyone, but I can say, and the Universe suggested it, that by my dancing and singing and creating and finding my joy, I will actually play a VERY important role in bringing that kind of healing to others.  Or to be more precise, I will be able to help people find ways for them to find their joy for themselves.  

And I am pretty stoked.  I mean who wouldn't want this to be their job?  Well, I can think of a few, but I mean, WOW!  I am so excited that this is my life calling.  Not just loving and teaching others how to love but really creating joy.  Facilitating joy and fun and passion.  Bringing myself back to life.  Helping others come back to life.  My job is to LIVE.  Big.  Passionately.  Joyfully.  Just be happy ME.  Incredible.  I freaking KNEW it!!  Yay!!!  Maybe it's your calling too.  If so, and you're feeling stuck, I can help you with that.

Alright.  Now that I have that out and I've settled my joy down a little bit, let me tell you why.  Let me tell you how we came to this conclusion, my counselor Lindsey and I yesterday in my most recent Life Path reading.  I won't bog you down with everything, as per usual, but I will give you what details I've got to get you the clearest picture.  For the record, I spent a good amount of time setting sacred space before this call.  Salt bath.  Meditation.  Burning sage and incense, real spiritual stuff.  I was open.  I was ready.  Set. Go.

My central situation showed up as Peace, but it is cool and not passionate.  The crossing card, the second card pulled which further describes my situation was the Magician.  The energy off of the card was reflecting the purification and balancing that I have been going through as I have been healing and growing, living in a higher vibratory state of the Magi, the Magicians.  I am with them.  Spiritually, I am on the right path.  Thank you.

The third card represented my distant past.  This card was Radha, reversed.  Radha is the beautiful, sensual, passionate, indulgent feminine counterpart to the Indian god Krishna.  The reversed position suggests that I am suffering from being blocked in this area of my life not just now but also, perhaps stemming from turning off the joy and the passion in a more distant past.  My objective, my challenge, my goal now is to regain my sense of pleasure and passion.  

My mission, if I should choose to accept it is to PLAY.  I am being instructed to travel and enjoy life.  I am being guided to get out in the world and intentionally indulge.  I am being given the blessing to dance through Life.  

All great work starts with the Self, so I will start with myself.  But all great work is meant to been seen.  It is meant to be shared, so I will share my work.  I will share my joy.  I will indulge with others.  I will dance with the world.  It will be a blooming, blossoming party.  It will be one huge artist's date.  Exuberance.  Lose myself to it...that is my directive.

I realize this won't be for everyone.  Not everyone can handle this kind of energy.  Not everyone wants to be around it. Not everyone wants to be happy.  That will always be their choice.  I will always lovingly let them be who they want to be, but I will not be around the people who don't want to experience my joy with me.  Not anymore.  I MUST be free to be ME.  Not in an egotistical, selfish way, but in a real "I can't fulfill my spiritual mission if I can't be free to be me" sort of way.  That's all.  Service to others.

The next card out that I want to talk about is the card that represented the possible outcome of the situation.  It was the card of Krishna, the divine masculine counterpart of Radha.  Hmm... Lindsey suggested that this was confirmation that I would master my situation.  Woohoo!  I would succeed in my service steeped in play...and dance.  People's lives can be transformed.  Very colorful.  Very bright.  Very fun.  According to the Krishna spirit, it's all a game anyway...why not dance and play.  Why not?

The strength card came out again in this reading, that naked lady wrestling a huge snake.  The strength card in this reading represented ME and she (Lindsey) said my higher self was kind of screaming "Dude this is YOU!"  I think I heard her too (my higher Self :).  Well, I've been telling myself that I am strong, for a while now anyway.  Remember those affirmations for the Root Chakra?  I agree.  I know.  And as excited as I am, I realize that this still might not be easy.  That's when I am really going to need to draw upon the strength that is within me, that I am.

A quick note on the card representing my hopes and fears, the Eight of Wands.  It represents communication.  It represents things moving really quickly.  Maybe I hope for this, but maybe I am a little afraid of this too.  Yes.  Enough said.

The final card out, the final message for the reading was the Star Card, in reverse.  The Star upright means a bright and promising future, believing in that and in doing that we have washed ourselves clean of the past, that we have completely let go of everything...Everything, everything.  All of it.  But my card is in reverse.  Part of me is NOT there.  So how do I get there?  How do I let go of all the things I no longer need to hold on to?  How do I get it done?  I have to get it done.  My future depends on it.  I have to let it all go.  All of it.  So, I will.

Whew!  I freaking love tarot.  I appreciate all of my guides who show up to help.  I am grateful for Lindsey for opening herself up to their energies.  I am so glad that Radha has made an appearance in my life.  Now let me tell you how "they" are suggesting that I do it.  If no one else but me exists, how can I do this?  What does it look like if I leap?  Where do I want to go?  

Well, here's what I'm working on manifesting for myself right now.  I'm going to take a year, to travel the country, maybe Canada too.  Maybe I will even make it up to Alaska.  I want to visit all of the National Parks at least.  I'll start small.  I'll start in my car, but if fortune favors the bold me then I will acquire a decked-out Sprinter van somewhere along the way, sooner or later, doesn't really matter.  What matters is that I do it.  What matters is that I GO.

The only question left is, do I take my dog?  And which one?  Or is it just me and Angelica (my car) and the night sky wherever I land?   And what do I finally do with my goats?  Yes, there are more than a few logistics to get ironed out so all hell doesn't break loose due to me setting out to find my joy, but they will be taken care of before this leg of my journey begins.

It will probably be a couple of months before I can set out and do this properly.  I've set my intention, so who knows, maybe I will be united with a Sprinter van before then.  The real danger lies in getting complacent.  The real risk is me being comfortable where I am and not setting foot outside the door.  Not taking the risk.  Not setting off on this journey.  But for all of the mini vision quests that I have been on, I know what rewards I reaped from them.  This is too big.  This is one trip I cannot afford to miss.  I am taking it.  I've put it in writing.  So, it is.  As you and God are my witness.  I will.  I am.


Sunshine Cleaning


recovering a sense of possibiLITY